Tuesday, 26 February 2013


My burns were almost better on Friday so I was allowed to join in with my group, we spent the day helping the maintenance team with some earth levelling and bush clearing. It was nice to be able to do some work after 4 days inside.

On Saturday most of the group got up early and went to Kruger National Park for the day. I've already been a few times and didn't fancy another day stuck in a car after so long in my room, so the 3 of us who didn't go went out with Dave to a tiny village called Kaapschehoop. Kaapschehoop is a wierd jumble of houses and hotels really high up in the mountains, we went out for a braai and some rock climbing and a swim (paddle) in a waterfall there. We were followed round all day by a dog that we met; she was a crazy little dog that followed us for miles and started hunting lizards in the long grass, she even followed us to the top of the rock formations that we were climbing.

Later we found out that she was 'owned' by one of the hotels but lived everywhere, she seemed to know her way around the mountain and where to find food. She climbed into Dave’s car while we packed the boot and tried to keep the wild horses away from our food, so before we left we stopped at the hotel and she jumped out of the car and started barking at somebody walking their dogs, the owners must’ve thought we were dumping the dog and driving away.

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