Monday, 24 June 2013

A quick trip home...

I arrived back in South Africa on Friday after spending two weeks at home in the UK. I was lucky enough to fly home to be there for my Grampa's funeral. It was really special to be back with my family and share this time with them and although I went back in sad circumstances I can honestly say that I really enjoyed the two weeks; loads more than I thought I would.

I did have some problems dealing with the huge shift in cultures though. I needed to buy some shoes to bring out here so I went to Birmingham to get some. I found myself standing infront of a wall covered in shoes, wanting to buy a pair but not being able to spend the money I'd been given. So I tried the next shop. Then the next. Then a few more. But there I was on the train home with the money in my pocket; I just couldn't bring myself to spend it. It was really frustrating because I needed the shoes and I'd been given money to buy them but for some reason (that I still can't put my finger on) I couldn't buy any. I went shopping three times in those two weeks, to three different places and still came back without the shoes I needed. I started getting angry at myself for not know why I couldn't spend it.

Another thing that I thought a lot was "What am I going to do when I'm back in August?" but I've come to terms with the fact I have no idea and I'll have to play it by ear for a while, should be interesting anyway...

But I'm very happy to be back in SA for the next 6 weeks, now I've seen my family and friends I think I'll have more freedom to enjoy my time without missing them too much.

Also, there should be a vlog coming soon about my time in some communities in Zambia.

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